This weekend was my dedication at church! We had so much fun! Lots of family came to see me and I was very good at distracting them from what they are supposed to be doing...
This is my Aunt Susannah. She and Mama were being silly and flipping me upside down. I thought it was great!!!

This is my Uncle Jake. His hair is soooo fun to grab at. It is almost as long as Mama's. (Not really, it's just fun to say that!!) Everytime I see that guy, I just crack up. Mama said he is her little brother, but I just don't think so. He looks pretty big to me.

This is Rev. Vest with my family. He held me up and walked me around the church. Everyone I looked at just laughed and laughed. I tried my best to smile for them. Guess I did a good job!! He made Mama and Daddy and the whole rest of the church promise to raise me in a Christian home and take me to church every Sunday. They have lots of things they have to do with me... like read the Bible and pray. Sometimes when we do this, I would just rather eat the Bible. Mine is really colorful and tastes pretty good!

Here we are again... Mama and Daddy and all the others.

Boy, all this work sure made me tired. I think I was supposed to keep listening to Rev. Vest, but I had all I could take. My eyes wouldn't stay open any more!

We made it through the whole service without doing three things Mama was most worried about... I didn't "stain" my new outfits. I didn't pitch a loud screaming fit. And I didn't make any loud "noises" when everyone was praying. Whew... She was so relieved. I don't know what she was worried about - I know how to act in every social situation...
We had a great time in Chatsworth! It was busy, but lots of fun. I was so well behaved - even though Mama got me off my schedule. I think someone should buy me a new toy. Like, maybe... hmmm.... a Corvette! (What do you think, Granddaddy?? A red one??)
1 comment:
Wow, Eric looks so "happy" in every picture! Hehe!!! Looks like alot of fun! :)
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