We decided to take Vance to his first college football game. Granddaddy and Grandmother hooked us up with some great (free to us) seats for the GA vs TN game. The weather turned out to be perfect. Mama didn't tell anyone, but she was very nervous about this outing. 4 hours, outside, lots of people, lots of noise, no place for naptime, no place to "eat", diaper changing challenges, etc. etc.

Turns out Mama had nothing to worry about. I am a very good "going places" baby and adapt to any new situation pretty easily. Here we are heading in to the game. I even got to wear a special hat and sticker on my face. I was quite the attention getter the whole day. Hundreds and hundreds of people hit each other to tell them to look at me, told me how cute I was and pointed at me. My grandparents said Daddy should ditch me. Lots of those people were really good looking college girls. Evidently I am a great wingman already!!

Here is the newest Uga! We got to go speak to him just before the game. He was a pretty big guy! For some reason, they wouldn't let me give him kisses like I give to my doggies. He lives in Savannah though, so maybe we can try again some day!

Yeah. Interesting I know. This is actually during kick off. With 100,000 people screaming their heads off. Yep. I adapt well. I took another nap just after halftime. Mama and Daddy really can't complain about me. :-)

I got into the spirit mid way through the game and decided I liked my hat on backwards better. I could see more this way!

This was after the game. We were all really tired, and we still had a FL game to watch!!! Daddy and Jake were the only ones to make it through that one! They won too! It was a great day of football!

I was still pretty exhausted the next day! I slept right through lunch and most of the way home. I still really like that hat though. I made sure the family kept it right where it belonged on my head.
In other news, I had a few other firsts. I got my first tooth! It shocked my adults. Turns out tooth number two came in a few days later and caught right up with the first one.
I said "Mama," too! She didn't believe it at first because only Grandmother and Graddaddy heard me. I was hungry and said it clear as day, or so they say. I said it again just for Mama yesterday. Again, it was time to eat and I screamed it out. Just those two syllables and nothing else. How proud I made her!!!
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