Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Diaper Disaster...

We have had several requests for the full story on the diaper disaster. I think all of us new moms just need reassurance that it doesn't just happen to us. So... if you are eating - or just easily grossed out, please discontinue reading and check back in another day...

Mama and I took our first trip to the mall all by ourselves. Some work was being done on the house and we had to leave rather quickly because of the noxious fumes. So Mama forgot to bring a few things... like a clean blanket to lay me on if she needed to change my diaper. We found some towels on clearance so she bought a few just in case.

Everything was going so well! We found a cute new outfit and were just sitting down to have a nice sandwich for lunch. I decided that since Mama was eating, I should too! My favorite snack is still the big toe on my right foot. I was getting the first big bite of it when we realized something was very, very wrong. As I lifted my leg, I decided to poo. Since my leg was in the air, the poo decided to come out (much like a fountain) and fill my carseat, cover my legs and give me something really fun to splash around it. SERIOUSLY - SPLASH AROUND IN...

People were eating all around us, so Mama threw her sandwich into her purse, (It took her a while to realize this was a poor choice) and a bag on top of me so no one else had to see it. We headed to the nearest bathroom and luckily, grabbed one of those pretty new white towels. Fifteen minutes, one clean diaper, thirteen wet wipes and one poor white towel later I was all clean and Mama had a big pile of trash to throw away. Guess what?? No diaper baggies in her purse. So it all had to go straight into the bathroom garbage. While. Other. People. Were. Watching. And giving my poor Mama some seriously mean looks.

For some reason, Mama looked really tired after all of this, and that sandwich didn't look very appetizing any more. She said we had to go straight home. But I was pretty excited you see. I got to wear a brand new outfit back to the house.

Pretty lucky that I am soooo cute, huh?!?!


Anonymous said...

wow, that is awesome. go vance!! we have never had a poo like that. maybe on the next kid. thanks for sharing this -- it was good to start off the morning with a big laugh.

Stacy said...

So sorry Sarah! I had a similar incident at an Olive Garden. I didn't know what to do so I just brought Jake (in his carseat) to the car and drove home to clean it up there! Wow, the things we talk about and deal with now that we are mothers!!!

Anonymous said...

That is really funny! I hope it never happens to me. When my nephew was a baby I flew home to MO with him and my sister from Hawaii and a similar situation happened on the airplane. He had a huge blowout and after my sister cleaned him up she didn't have anywhere to put his dirty clothes, so they went into the lavatory trash can.